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Mount Shasta Retreat

July 10 - 14 2019

"Communion with the Sacred"

Including Accommodation, Lunch & Dinner & Sacred Ceremony


Mount Shasta Retreat
The Sanctuary
SpencyRay - Tracy&Andrew
Valerie De Magdalena
Ray Nobriga
Sanctuary Pyramid
The Sanctuary Maloka
Mount Shasta Panther Meadow
Mount Shasta Panther Meadow
Mount Shasta viewed from the Sanctua

We invite you to join us for a 

Magical, Enchanted Spiritual Retreat in Mt. Shasta, Northern California

Beginning Wednesday, July 10, 2019 and concluding Sunday, July 14, 2019.


This retreat will be facilitated by Ray Nobriga & Valerie de Magdalena together with Tracy & Andrew.

The retreat will be offered at Ray & Valerie's beautiful center,

The Sanctuary at Mt. Shasta. 

Ray and Valerie have trained in the Peruvian Shamanic Arts and host workshops and retreats regularly.

For more information about them and the Sanctuary please visit


Supported by the powerful energies of the majestic and venerated Mt. Shasta,

participants will be immersed in ceremonial activities at the Sanctuary and Mt. Shasta to allow for the raising of our vibration at this momentous time in our evolution. 

Planned activities include morning yoga, participation in Peruvian Earth-honoring ceremonies, opportunities to engage with the energies of various sacred sites in the area and an evening ceremony to commune with our plant wisdom teachers. 



SpencyRay, (Spency&TracyRay)

will be combining their Divine Masculine & Feminine powers

Channeling music & vibrational healing from Angels, Guides and Devas. Bringing through age old wisdom from the Ascended Masters.

These unique healing sound  journeys call in your higher self, realigning mind, body & soul, ‘moving stuck energy’ and revitalizing the whole body with channeled DNA activation.


Learn sacred drum rhythms, beats and pulses to ground and raise energies.

Bring your own sacred drum, buy one in Mt. Shasta or we can provide one!


The ‘find your inner voice’ workshop brings about the discovery & release of YOUR OWN personal sacred sound through guided phonetical singing (singing talent not required...Lol). This facilitates communication with the Divine through activation of the throat chakra. Ancient words not spoken in to this dimension for thousands of years will be uttered forth to bring about an awakening in the Age of Aquarius. 


“As Above So Below”. 

As we call in the Divinity of the Earth we will be calling in the Divinity of our Sacred Selves.

Finding self Love, through mirror, breath work and offerings to Mt. Shasta in a Sacred Cacao Ceremony on the slopes of the

Sacred Mountain as well as a unique art creation to bring home anchoring the sacred work of the week.  




This fee is INCLUSIVE of Lunch & Dinner, Lodging & participation in ALL Ceremonies. 

Not included in this fee is the cost of transportation to and from Mt. Shasta in Northern California.

Breakfast not included.

$200 Non Refundable deposit.

No workshop fee refund after May 10th.

Thank You.


We do so look forward to meet you and have you join us on this spectacular journey in such an amazing magical space!


To register please pay the deposit from the payment options below. 

Once your payment and registration is received a detailed itinerary and a list of what to bring will be sent.

All payments through PayPal should be made through 'Friends&Family' method

Thank You

in Love&Light

Pay Now Deposit of $200

to reserve your magical entry

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Pay 2nd Payment $656.50 Due Before May 10th 2019


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Pay 3rd Payment $656.50 Due Before June 10th 2019


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Or - Pay Full Payment NOW


no further payments needed.


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May the guides, Devas, Masters and Fairy Realm rejoice with us at this Sacred Gathering!

Namaste in Love and Light

Tracy, Andrew, Valerie and Ray


Hi Tracy, ...  I have had some shifts and some “knowings” that tell me now is the most auspicious time for me to make a move into my next phase of knowing... I need your and Andrew’s energy in my life as well as your wisdom ... guidance ... direction ...  I have been searching and have been told by fairies and angels that I would soon find other kind who have been in search of me as well. I think it’s you two.  My sister Julie and I (I feel) are soul related or star related to you and Andrew. 
I’m excited and strongly being pulled in messages that we are connected for all the right reasons in love and light and life. 
DeeDee 5/2018

—Dee Dee, Los Angeles

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